There are many resources available to help identify products and their performance, see sample bids and specifications, and read case studies of successful programs.
- StopWaste offers technical assistance to Alameda County public agencies for purchasing environmentally preferable products. The website features resources such as additional fact sheets, guides and links to other helpful environmental purchasing websites and documents. - The RecycleWhere? website provides information on how and where to recycle any type of recyclable item in Alameda County. - Alameda County and the General Services Agency is committed to sharing their resources and experiences to promote green purchasing in public agencies. Policies, success stories, bids, specifications and other resources are available at the website. - San Francisco’s Multi-Lingual Green Cleaning Program covers the benefits of green cleaning, green cleaning products and procedures, and proper disposal of waste and hazardous waste. - SF APPROVED provides a directory of green products and services that meet San Francisco’s health and environmental requirements . - The California Department of General Services Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program provides information on how the State is succeeding in buying environmentally sustainable products and services. - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Sustainable Marketplace provides information and tools for institutional purchasers, consumers and manufacturers to help identify, evaluate and purchase greener products and services. - EPA’s Safer Choice label helps consumers, businesses, and purchasers find products that perform well and are safer for human health and the environment. - Western Sustainability & Pollution Prevention Network (WSPPN) is a strategic alliance involving local, state, federal and tribal pollution prevention (P2) programs throughout EPA Region 9. - The Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN) offers procurement-related professional guides and resources on socially responsible and environmentally sustainable purchasing. (some resources are only available to members)